After a year of blood, sweat, and tears, Shattered 2 is finally here and available for download.

Shattered 2 follows on from Shattered as another story-rich action adventure with RPG elements and first person combat. Like the first game, it mixes high fantasy and medieval realism in a retro-style, 2.5D world, but this time it’s an open world, with quests, conversations, roaming and exploration. It is bigger and better than its predecessor in every way.

Although it’s released and playable from start to end, I still hesitate to call Shattered 2 complete. There’s a lot that didn’t make it in, and I’m tentatively planning an update although that won’t be for a while yet. I’m planning to address that, the protracted development process, and more in a postmortem.

You can read more about Shattered 2 and download it on the page.