See Who I Am is a visual novel that explores transgender themes against the backdrop of the magical girl genre. It might be exactly the story you expect, or it might be something completely different. It’s set in the Outliers and Outsiders universe, but uses different characters than previous games. It takes place late in 2021, later than most of the games released to date.

Steve is a regular young guy, struggling through his first year of college, with the biggest decision on his mind whether to finish watching a film for class or to play some video games and fake his way through the assignment. But when monsters and then magical girls come crashing through the walls, he’ll have to face revelations that will change everything.

This game was created for Magical Girl Game Jam 6. I didn’t have a lot of time, so I chose to keep scope small and do a simple game. Although the art is incredibly janky, I was able to polish the UI and a few other elements in a way I haven’t previously because of the narrow scope. The narrative concept is something I’ve been wanting to try for a while, and I’ve finally broken my curse of visual novels by actually finishing one instead of abandoning or retooling the project. It is also, notably, the first CommonCore based game to have a web playable release.